312 Noise Introductory Welcome Press Conference

312 Noise Introductory Welcome Press Conference

Hey hey! You made it here!

You've probably got questions. And boy, do I have some underwhelming answers for you! Members of the press, I am now open to questions. Nothing is off-limits.

Who are you? And why should any of us care?

Wow, getting right to it I see. Who I am is Rich Funk, Chicago-based photographer and music lover. After spending most of the last year writing for a few different publications (that work can be seen here and here and here), I figure I might as well take my own stab at this already-crowded marketplace. I love taking pictures at concerts. I love reviewing shows. Why not have a dedicated place to regularly post my ridiculous thoughts and ever-decreasing-in-quality dad jokes?

Wait...that's it?

No good?

I mean, this is your first impression. Did you say anything at all that would make you stand out from the literally hundreds of other similar websites and publications? Is it the fact that you're a white man between 25-45 with a beard that makes you unique and special?

Look, I don't have to take this kind of abuse from the press, especially when it's press that's completely made up by me right now. But you do bring up a good point, and as of right now all I can say is you're never going to get phoned-in content here. A careful perusal of any of the links I provided above should give you an idea of what you're in for on this site in the future. But it's not just concert reviews. Music news, tour announcements, literally anything that warrants my unique brand of buffoonery, I'll be talking about it.

Ok, so let's say I want to follow you on this path of stupidity. What's the best way of doing so?

I assume the days of people refreshing your website several times a day for new pieces died in the mid 2000s with bleached tips. Right now I've got an Instagram account set up at @312noise and you can also follow me at @richfunkphotos although for most of you, I assume that's how you found me in the first place. I assume I'll eventually set up a Threads and/or Twitter and/or Facebook or whatever to go along with it and keep you all posted.

So can we go home yet?

Yes, just keep your eyes peeled for our first concert review coming in the next few days! And if you're a musician or PR person reading this that's interested in coverage (live show, interview, album review, etc), drop me a line!

Also, the website might go through some visual changes as I dick around with different templates. If you have any complaints, why don't you design the site yourself then??

(Seriously...please make my site look better I have no idea what I'm doing)