Good Hangs Confirm That It Is Indeed Friday with the Release of Cover Up Tattoo EP

Good Hangs Confirm That It Is Indeed Friday with the Release of Cover Up Tattoo EP

It's getting to the point where you're going to be able to start putting Good Hangs into many prominent old-timey sayings.

"There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and new Good Hangs music on Fridays."

"Good Hangs new music on Fridays - set your watch by it."

"Thank God it's Friday (because that means new Good Hangs music)."

That last one works best if you then imagine a chain of shitty restaurants named 'TGI Fridays BTMNGHM".

Seriously though, it's Friday and there's a new Good Hangs song that you all need to listen to. Technically it's a new EP, but since two of the three songs are ones that have been released as singles already and I'm assuming you did your homework and listened to them (especially because I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU TO ALREADY), the EP's title track is the main star here, and boy what a banger of a star it is.

I've been waiting for quite a while for Good Hangs to put out a song that goes as fast and hard as their fan favorite 'Intoxicated' for a while now. Not to say that all their other songs aren't awesome too, but there's something about the energy that 'Intoxicated' has behind it that reminds me of the harder-hitting emo my friends and I used to listen to in college as the soundtrack for multiple hours of playing drinking games to Soul Caliber 2.

The wait is over, and the 'Intoxicated' crown for "Song that will absolutely destroy live" has been passed to 'Cover Up Tattoo'. Combining a higher-than-usual vocal register, quadruple-time bass drum, and a riff so solid you could build a VFW hall on it and pack it full of teenagers there to watch a 6 emo band bill, this song kicks you in the face as soon as it starts and doesn't stop for 2 minutes. You will then scramble to whatever screened device is helping you listen to this song and mash the button to go back and listen to it again. Repeat this for about an hour. That's the recipe to get a Friday going.